I Want to Hide Column Dynamically in BIP Report: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Adzoa - hkhazo.biz.id

I Want to Hide Column Dynamically in BIP Report: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with cluttered reports in Business Intelligence Platform (BIP)? Do you want to learn how to hide columns dynamically in BIP reports? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to achieve this feat with ease.

Why Hide Columns Dynamically?

There are several reasons why you might want to hide columns dynamically in BIP reports:

  • Improved readability**: By hiding irrelevant columns, you can make your reports more readable and concise.
  • Enhanced user experience**: Dynamic column hiding allows you to tailor the report to the specific needs of your users.
  • Increased flexibility**: You can create reports that adapt to different scenarios or user roles.


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have:

  1. BIP (Business Intelligence Platform) installed and configured
  2. A working knowledge of BIP reports and data modeling
  3. A basic understanding of JavaScript and HTML

Step 1: Create a New BIP Report

Create a new BIP report by following these steps:

1. Log in to your BIP environment.
2. Click on "New Report" and select "Blank Report".
3. Choose a report type (e.g., table, chart, etc.).
4. Drag and drop the required columns from the data model onto the report canvas.

Step 2: Add a JavaScript Module

In this step, we’ll add a JavaScript module to the report. This module will contain the logic for dynamically hiding columns:

1. Click on the "Insert" menu and select "JavaScript Module".
2. Name the module (e.g., "HideColumns") and click "OK".
3. In the JavaScript editor, add the following code:

function hideColumns(report, columnsToHide) {
// Loop through each column in the report
report.getReportTable().getColumns().forEach(function(column) {
// Check if the column is in the columnsToHide array
if (columnsToHide.indexOf(column.getName()) != -1) {
// Hide the column

Step 3: Create a Hidden Parameter

We’ll create a hidden parameter to pass the columns to hide to the JavaScript module:

1. Click on the "Insert" menu and select "Parameter".
2. Name the parameter (e.g., "ColumnsToHide") and set its data type to "String".
3. Make the parameter hidden by checking the "Hidden" checkbox.

Step 4: Call the JavaScript Function

In this step, we’ll call the `hideColumns` function and pass the `ColumnsToHide` parameter as an argument:

1. Click on the "Insert" menu and select "JavaScript Action".
2. In the JavaScript editor, add the following code:

function onload() {
// Get the ColumnsToHide parameter value
var columnsToHide = “${ColumnsToHide}”;

// Split the string into an array
columnsToHide = columnsToHide.split(“,”);

// Call the hideColumns function
hideColumns(report, columnsToHide);

Step 5: Configure the ColumnsToHide Parameter

We’ll configure the `ColumnsToHide` parameter to accept a string value:

1. Click on the "Data" menu and select "Parameter".
2. Select the "ColumnsToHide" parameter and click "Edit".
3. In the "Default Value" section, enter a comma-separated list of column names to hide (e.g., "Column1,Column2,Column3").

Step 6: Run the Report

Save the report and run it to test the dynamic column hiding functionality:

1. Click on the "Run" button to execute the report.
2. Observe how the specified columns are hidden dynamically.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter any issues, check the following:

  • Make sure the JavaScript module is correctly added and configured.
  • Verify that the ColumnsToHide parameter is correctly set and passed to the JavaScript function.
  • Check the report’s data model and column names for typos or inconsistencies.


VoilĂ ! You’ve successfully learned how to hide columns dynamically in BIP reports. With this technique, you can create flexible and user-friendly reports that adapt to different scenarios and user roles. Remember to experiment and customize the code to fit your specific needs.

Column Name Description
Column1 This is a sample column.
Column2 This column will be dynamically hidden.
Column3 This is another sample column.

By following this step-by-step guide, you’ve mastered the art of dynamic column hiding in BIP reports. Take your reporting skills to the next level and impress your users with this powerful feature!

Remember to optimize your report for performance and scalability by using efficient data modeling and query optimization techniques. Happy reporting!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to uncover the secrets of dynamically hiding columns in BIP reports! Here are the most frequently asked questions and their answers.

How do I hide a column dynamically in a BIP report?

To hide a column dynamically in a BIP report, you can use the “Column Visibility” property in the report layout. Simply set the property to “Hide” and then use a conditional expression to determine when the column should be hidden based on certain criteria, such as a user input or a data condition.

Can I use a parameter to control column visibility in a BIP report?

Yes, you can definitely use a parameter to control column visibility in a BIP report! Simply create a parameter in your report, and then use it in the conditional expression to determine when the column should be hidden or displayed. This way, you can easily toggle the column visibility based on user input or other dynamic conditions.

How do I hide multiple columns dynamically in a BIP report?

Hiding multiple columns dynamically in a BIP report is easy! You can simply repeat the process of setting the “Column Visibility” property to “Hide” and then using a conditional expression for each column you want to hide. Alternatively, you can use a single conditional expression that evaluates multiple conditions and hides or displays multiple columns accordingly.

Can I use data validation to hide columns in a BIP report?

Yes, you can use data validation to hide columns in a BIP report! By using data validation rules to check for certain conditions or values, you can dynamically hide or display columns based on the data itself. This approach is particularly useful when you want to hide columns that contain blank or null values, or when you want to display columns only when certain data conditions are met.

Are there any performance implications when hiding columns dynamically in a BIP report?

In general, dynamically hiding columns in a BIP report should not have a significant impact on report performance. However, if you have a very large report with many columns and rows, using complex conditional expressions or multiple data validation rules could potentially affect performance. To minimize any potential impact, be sure to optimize your report design and test your report thoroughly before deploying it to production.

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