How to Restrict Users from Changing AWS Athena Query Result Location: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Restrict Users from Changing AWS Athena Query Result Location: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with the hassle of users changing the query result location in AWS Athena? Do you want to ensure that your data remains secure and organized? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to restrict users from changing the query result location in AWS Athena.

Why Restrict Users from Changing Query Result Location?

Before we dive into the instructions, let’s quickly discuss why restricting users from changing the query result location is important. Here are a few reasons:

  • Data Security**: By restricting the query result location, you can ensure that sensitive data is stored in a secure location, reducing the risk of data breaches.
  • Organization**: Restricting the query result location helps maintain a organized structure for your data, making it easier to manage and access.
  • Compliance**: In some industries, regulatory compliance requires data to be stored in specific locations. Restricting the query result location ensures compliance with these regulations.


Before you start, make sure you have the following:

  • AWS Account**: You need an active AWS account with access to AWS Athena.
  • Athena Console**: You should have access to the Athena console and be familiar with its interface.

Step 1: Create an IAM Policy for Restricting Query Result Location

In this step, we’ll create an IAM policy that restricts users from changing the query result location. You can use the following policy as a starting point:

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "RestrictQueryResultLocation",
      "Effect": "Deny",
      "Action": "athena:StartQueryExecution",
      "Resource": "arn:aws:athena:*:*:workgroup/*",
      "Condition": {
        "StringNotEquals": {
          "athena:query-result-location": "s3:///*"

Replace `` with the name of the S3 bucket where you want to restrict the query result location. This policy denies the `StartQueryExecution` action if the query result location is not set to the specified bucket.

Step 2: Attach the IAM Policy to the IAM Role

Attach the IAM policy to the IAM role that you want to restrict. You can do this using the IAM console or the AWS CLI.

Here’s an example of how to attach the policy using the AWS CLI:

aws iam attach-role-policy --role-name  --policy-arn arn:aws:iam:::policy/

Replace `` with the name of the IAM role, `` with your AWS account ID, and `` with the name of the IAM policy.

Step 3: Configure the Athena Workgroup

In this step, we’ll configure the Athena workgroup to use the restricted IAM role. You can do this using the Athena console or the AWS CLI.

Here’s an example of how to configure the workgroup using the Athena console:

1. Open the Athena console and navigate to the workgroup you want to restrict.

2. Click on the “Settings” tab and scroll down to the “Workgroup settings” section.

3. In the “Execution role” field, select the IAM role that you attached the policy to.

4. Click “Save changes” to apply the changes.

Step 4: Test the Restriction

Now that you’ve configured the workgroup, let’s test the restriction. Try running a query in Athena and specify a different query result location.

If the restriction is working correctly, you should see an error message indicating that you don’t have permission to change the query result location.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re experiencing issues with the restriction, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Check the IAM policy**: Ensure that the IAM policy is attached to the correct IAM role and that the policy is correctly formatted.
  • Verify the workgroup configuration**: Make sure that the workgroup is configured to use the restricted IAM role.
  • Check the S3 bucket permissions**: Ensure that the IAM role has the necessary permissions to write to the restricted S3 bucket.

Best Practices for Restricting Query Result Location

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when restricting query result location:

  • Use a dedicated IAM role**: Create a dedicated IAM role for Athena queries and attach the restriction policy to that role.
  • Use a specific S3 bucket**: Restrict the query result location to a specific S3 bucket to maintain organization and security.
  • Monitor and audit**: Regularly monitor and audit your Athena queries and S3 bucket access to ensure compliance and security.


Restricting users from changing the query result location in AWS Athena is a crucial step in maintaining data security and organization. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your data remains secure and organized. Remember to test the restriction and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. With these best practices, you’ll be well on your way to securing your AWS Athena environment.

Step Description
1 Create an IAM policy for restricting query result location
2 Attach the IAM policy to the IAM role
3 Configure the Athena workgroup
4 Test the restriction

By following these steps and best practices, you can restrict users from changing the query result location in AWS Athena and maintain a secure and organized data environment.

Frequently Asked Question

Hey there, AWS enthusiasts! Are you tired of users changing the query result location in AWS Athena? Look no further! We’ve got the answers to your questions on how to restrict users from doing so.

How can I restrict users from changing the query result location in AWS Athena?

You can restrict users from changing the query result location by using AWS IAM policies and permissions. Create an IAM policy that denies the `athena:StartQueryExecution` action unless the `resultConfiguration.outputLocation` is set to a specific S3 bucket or prefix. This ensures that only queries with the specified output location are allowed to run.

Can I restrict query result locations to a specific S3 bucket or prefix?

Yes, you can! By specifying the `resultConfiguration.outputLocation` in your IAM policy, you can restrict query results to a specific S3 bucket or prefix. For example, you can set `resultConfiguration.outputLocation` to `s3://my-bucket/athena-query-results/` to ensure all query results are stored in that specific bucket and prefix.

How do I implement this restriction for existing IAM roles or users?

To implement this restriction for existing IAM roles or users, you’ll need to update their IAM policies to include the required permissions and conditions. You can do this by attaching a new policy to the role or user, or by editing their existing policy to add the necessary restrictions.

Can I restrict query result locations based on specific user groups or tags?

Yes, you can! By using IAM conditional statements and tags, you can restrict query result locations based on specific user groups or tags. For example, you can create a policy that only allows users with a specific tag (e.g., `department:finance`) to store query results in a specific S3 bucket or prefix.

What are the benefits of restricting query result locations in AWS Athena?

Restricting query result locations in AWS Athena helps to improve data security, reduce costs, and simplify data management. By controlling where query results are stored, you can ensure that sensitive data is not exposed, reduce the risk of data breaches, and make it easier to manage and analyze your data.

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