Extending IntIdTable in Kotlin Exposed PSQL: The Primary Key Conundrum
Image by Adzoa - hkhazo.biz.id

Extending IntIdTable in Kotlin Exposed PSQL: The Primary Key Conundrum

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Are you trying to extend the IntIdTable in Kotlin Exposed PSQL but running into issues with primary key inheritance? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Exposed PSQL and explore the quirky behavior of IntIdTable when it comes to primary key inheritance.

What is Exposed PSQL?

Exposed PSQL is a Kotlin SQL library that provides a convenient and typesafe way to interact with PostgreSQL databases. It’s built on top of JDBC and provides a more concise and expressive API for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations.

What is IntIdTable?

In Exposed PSQL, IntIdTable is a built-in table class that provides a basic implementation of a table with an auto-incrementing integer primary key. It’s a convenient way to create tables with a single primary key column.

The Problem: Inheriting Primary Keys

When you extend IntIdTable to create a custom table, you might expect the primary key to be inherited automatically. However, this is not the case. By default, IntIdTable does not inherit the primary key column from its parent table.

Why is this a problem? Well, if you’re trying to create a table that inherits the primary key from its parent, you’ll end up with a table that has no primary key at all! This can lead to all sorts of issues when trying to perform CRUD operations or create relationships between tables.

Solution 1: Override the primary key column

One way to solve this problem is to override the primary key column in your custom table. You can do this by creating a custom primary key column and annotating it with the `@PrimaryKey` annotation.

import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.*
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.transaction

object MyTable : IntIdTable("my_table") {
    val name = varchar("name", 50)

    override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(id)

transaction {

In this example, we’re creating a custom table called MyTable that extends IntIdTable. We’re overriding the primary key column by creating a custom primary key column called `id` and annotating it with the `@PrimaryKey` annotation.

Solution 2: Use EntityClass

Another way to solve this problem is to use the EntityClass API in Exposed PSQL. EntityClass allows you to define a custom entity class that maps to a database table. By using EntityClass, you can define a custom primary key column that inherits from the parent table.

import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.*
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.transaction

entityclass MyEntity(id: EntityID<Int>) : IntEntity<MyEntity>(id) {
    companion object : IntEntityClass<MyEntity>(MyTable)

    var name by MyTable.name

object MyTable : IntIdTable("my_table") {
    val name = varchar("name", 50)

transaction {

In this example, we’re defining a custom entity class called MyEntity that maps to the MyTable table. We’re using the EntityClass API to define a custom primary key column that inherits from the parent table.


Extending IntIdTable in Kotlin Exposed PSQL can be a bit tricky when it comes to primary key inheritance. However, by using one of the two solutions outlined in this article, you can easily overcome this limitation and create custom tables that inherit primary keys from their parent tables.

Best Practices

When working with Exposed PSQL, it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure that your database schema is well-defined and easy to maintain. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use meaningful table and column names to make your database schema easy to understand.
  • Use indices to improve query performance and reduce database load.
  • Use transactions to ensure data consistency and roll back changes in case of errors.
  • Use logging to track database queries and debug issues.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

When working with Exposed PSQL, you may encounter some common issues that can be frustrating to troubleshoot. Here are some common issues and solutions:

Issue Solution
Table not found error Check that the table exists in the database and that the table name is correct.
Primary key not found error Check that the primary key column is defined correctly and that it’s not being overridden.
Foreign key constraint error Check that the foreign key constraint is defined correctly and that the referenced table exists.

Final Thoughts

In this article, we’ve explored the quirks of extending IntIdTable in Kotlin Exposed PSQL and provided two solutions to inherit primary keys from parent tables. By following best practices and troubleshooting common issues, you can create robust and maintainable database schemas using Exposed PSQL.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Kotlin Exposed and PSQL!

Why does my extended IntIdTable not inherit the primary key in Kotlin Exposed PSQL?

When you extend an IntIdTable in Kotlin Exposed, the primary key is not automatically inherited. This is because Exposed uses a separate primary key column for each table, even if you extend an existing table. To fix this, you need to explicitly define the primary key column in your extended table.

How do I define the primary key column in my extended IntIdTable?

To define the primary key column, you need to override the `primaryKey` property in your extended table and specify the column that should be used as the primary key. For example: `override val primaryKey = MyTable.id`.

What happens if I don’t override the primaryKey property?

If you don’t override the `primaryKey` property, Exposed will automatically create a default primary key column for your extended table, which may not be what you want. This can lead to unexpected behavior and errors, so it’s essential to define the primary key column explicitly.

Can I use a composite primary key in my extended IntIdTable?

Yes, you can use a composite primary key in your extended IntIdTable. To do this, you need to specify the multiple columns that make up the primary key using the `override val primaryKey` property. For example: `override val primaryKey = CompositeKey(MyTable.column1, MyTable.column2)`.

What are some best practices for extending IntIdTable in Kotlin Exposed PSQL?

Some best practices for extending IntIdTable include defining the primary key column explicitly, using meaningful table and column names, and following the Exposed documentation for any specific configuration or customization.

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